Thursday, August 7, 2008

I's been awhile

First, let me apologize for not keeping up with my blog like I should. I know I have been slacking in the blogging department lately. Aaron has been working 12 hours each day for the railroad and has been swamped with sprinkler work, so I have been very busy with the boys and holding down the fort. Like I have said before, since Garrett's arrival Aaron normally does the grocery shopping for us or I will go when he gets off of work. Since he really doesn't get "off of work" anymore, I had no choice....I took both boys to the store. It actually went well. I put much thought into how I would arrange the boys during my shopping trip. I ended up wearing Garrett in a sling and Jackson sat in the seat of the cart. They were both perfect. Jackson loves going to the store now that he can recognize his favorite foods and Garrett would hang out in the sling all day if he could. At one point during the shopping trip I felt kind of like a circus act when I heard a man say "Honey!! Look at her!!" He thought Garrett looked cute in the sling and his wife agreed. I just acted like I didn't hear or see them.

Garrett's nights seem to be getting worse instead of better. I HOPEFULLY have it figured out though. The past 2 days Garrett and Jackson both took 3 hour naps which is great for Garrett....and no surprise for Jackson...he is a good sleeper! I think this may be too long for Garrett though because he now thinks night time is party time. Today I did not let him nap much at all. Hopefully tonight will be better. I need sleep! I think he would really enjoy it too if he would give it a try.
Tonight we went to see a family friend at the hospital who had twins last night. I thought Garrett was still kind of small. Oh my gosh....he isn't! Garrett is huge! What happened to my little baby? And Jackson...he isn't a baby anymore at all. He is like a little kid.
I was about 80% sure we were done having kids (Aaron is 100% sure), but after seeing her sweet little babies tonight, I might only be 75% sure. Well...maybe more like 78% sure. Aaron has already said he is leaving the country if that happens again....

Garrett has recently found his feet!.........
which made Jackson rediscover his...


  1. hahahahah!! The feet thing.. was great!

    And about the baby thats how come I take pictures...well 78% of the reason I can get in my baby love!!! ;o)
