Monday, April 28, 2008

Newborns Cry; Toddlers Learn Their Middle Name

We always thought Jackson had colic, but now I am coming to the conclusion that newborns just cry and need comfort. At times Garrett is very calm and laid back, but at other times (especially in the evenings) he just cries. It doesn't stress me out that much because I know the crying will get better over time, but I am starting to wonder if Jackson really had colic or were we just "stressed out first time parents." I don't know....

Garrett is a little sweetie though! I just love him! I know it sounds silly, but I enjoy waking up with him at night for feedings. Everyone else in the house is sleeping, and there is Garrett just looking at me. Even though I am dead tired waking up all through the night, it is sometimes the only peaceful time I have with on one. (but don't get me wrong, I still love it when Aaron gets up with him and lets me sleep a little...that's nice too)

Jackson is still being a really good big brother, but we find ourselves saying JACKSON REECE a whole lot more than we use to. He is definitely a toddler. He wants to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. Mommy and Daddy are just the meanest people. ;)

I went to the doctor today for my checkup. Everything is well and don't you all worry...I am on the pill this there should not be any surprises! I have to be careful around my mom though. She may hide my pills from me in hope for one more baby!

I got a new cookbook called The Toddler Cafe (Thanks Mom!) It is "fast, healthy, and fun ways to feed even the pickiest eater." I made Jackson Minty Pea Pops! They are like a popsicle/ice cream with PEAS!! You use cream cheese, peas, sugar, peppermint extract, and chocolate chips. Freeze it and then you have yourself a Minty Pea Pop!! Sounds delicious huh?! (if you would like the exact recipe, let me know!) The peas are blended in and it really does just taste like mint chocolate ice cream.
Here are a few pictures of Jackson enjoying his yummy thing on the menu - Pumpkin Pockets!

I think Jackson is a little O.C.D. He doesn't like things to be messy. The ice cream on his tray is stressing him out. "uhhh-oooo, uhhh-oooo, uhhh-ooo!!!"
Helping to get Garrett's bath ready.
Jackson found the spray bottle, so we had a little fun in the kitchen!

Sweet babies!
Jackson found Grammy's diet chocolate bar.
Garrett looks bigger in this picture than he really is. It is still so hard to get a picture of him with his wobbly head!

1 comment:

  1. all of these pictures are so cute! Love the ones of Jackson spraying himself with the water bottle! haha
