Monday, April 28, 2008

Newborns Cry; Toddlers Learn Their Middle Name

We always thought Jackson had colic, but now I am coming to the conclusion that newborns just cry and need comfort. At times Garrett is very calm and laid back, but at other times (especially in the evenings) he just cries. It doesn't stress me out that much because I know the crying will get better over time, but I am starting to wonder if Jackson really had colic or were we just "stressed out first time parents." I don't know....

Garrett is a little sweetie though! I just love him! I know it sounds silly, but I enjoy waking up with him at night for feedings. Everyone else in the house is sleeping, and there is Garrett just looking at me. Even though I am dead tired waking up all through the night, it is sometimes the only peaceful time I have with on one. (but don't get me wrong, I still love it when Aaron gets up with him and lets me sleep a little...that's nice too)

Jackson is still being a really good big brother, but we find ourselves saying JACKSON REECE a whole lot more than we use to. He is definitely a toddler. He wants to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. Mommy and Daddy are just the meanest people. ;)

I went to the doctor today for my checkup. Everything is well and don't you all worry...I am on the pill this there should not be any surprises! I have to be careful around my mom though. She may hide my pills from me in hope for one more baby!

I got a new cookbook called The Toddler Cafe (Thanks Mom!) It is "fast, healthy, and fun ways to feed even the pickiest eater." I made Jackson Minty Pea Pops! They are like a popsicle/ice cream with PEAS!! You use cream cheese, peas, sugar, peppermint extract, and chocolate chips. Freeze it and then you have yourself a Minty Pea Pop!! Sounds delicious huh?! (if you would like the exact recipe, let me know!) The peas are blended in and it really does just taste like mint chocolate ice cream.
Here are a few pictures of Jackson enjoying his yummy thing on the menu - Pumpkin Pockets!

I think Jackson is a little O.C.D. He doesn't like things to be messy. The ice cream on his tray is stressing him out. "uhhh-oooo, uhhh-oooo, uhhh-ooo!!!"
Helping to get Garrett's bath ready.
Jackson found the spray bottle, so we had a little fun in the kitchen!

Sweet babies!
Jackson found Grammy's diet chocolate bar.
Garrett looks bigger in this picture than he really is. It is still so hard to get a picture of him with his wobbly head!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Last night, Aaron was holding Garrett and I realized I had a picture of Aaron holding Jackson in the exact position and location and Jackson was wearing the exact same outfit as Garrett ...even the same socks! Aaron even had on a black shirt and kind of the same hat. Aaron did not want me to take his picture last night because he had been working in the yard...but I had to....I thought it too cool!
Aaron and Jackson @ 7 weeks
Aaron and Garrett @ 3 weeks

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Boys (and a little lady...)

Look at Jackson's smile. He was so excited he got to hold his baby brother. He climbed up on the couch and held out his hands, like "Okay Mommy, I am ready for him!"
Jackson is trying to feed him an empty bottle! You can tell he has been taking notes on what I do.

Fishing with Daddy
Here is Aaron and Garrett watching baseball together on TV. This is their first ballgame together.
This is Garrett's little girlfriend Corlee. Christy (Corlee's mom) and I taught 2nd grade together last year in Mesquite. I LOVED working with her. It was just she and I on our 2nd grade team. She was the easiest person to work with because our minds thought just alike.
The summer after we both left from teaching in Mesquite, she found out she was pregnant with her 3rd baby and then about a week later I found out I was pregnant. Long story are pictures of Garrett and Corlee who are 3 days apart.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Play Time!

Kisses from brother...he really does love him!

So Sweet!
Monkey See, Monkey Do! Someone wants to be a baby again! And no, I did not put him in the swing.
Cowboy Jack!
Poor Rigley! He is such a good dog...look what Jackson is doing to him and Rigley is trying to kiss him!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How cool is this sign? My parents' wonderful neighbor bought this for Garrett. I love it! I walk around now looking for things that look like letters.

(Picture: On the way to the doctor...thinking about crying)
Garrett had his 2 weeks checkup yesterday and he is doing great! He now weighs 7 lbs 9 oz and is 21 1/4 inches long. His weight is the 20 percentile and his length is the 75 percentile. He is long and skinny! Seriously, is this really my child? He is tall and skinny with light hair!? Good thing he looks just like Aaron or people might be questioning a few things!! haha.
He is doing well. He is starting to stay awake a little more...but still sleepy. He really is a good baby. It seems like he may be getting into a little routine at night. Some nights are better than others, but we are starting to get some sleep. Nights would be more pleasant if Aaron remembered that Jackson did this too. Men just forget! After we were home for a few nights, one morning Aaron said "Why do you think he is not sleeping at night? Do you think we need to search it online?" Ha! Yeah, something must be wrong! Our newborn baby doesn't sleep at night! Call the doctor immediately! :)
(King of the Crib...the flash always makes his eyes close or makes them BIG!)

Friday, April 4, 2008


Since Garrett was born on Good Friday and we were in the hospital on Easter weekend, we had a late Easter at my parents house the following weekend. Here are a few pictures...

Here are a few picture of Mr. Lazy! Sorry, I am really trying to take more snap shots of him to post, but when you have a toddler running around it is hard to play dress up!! I am trying guys...promise!! I like the picture of him and Rigley. Do you think Rigley looks a little sad that we brought home another baby!? haha.

Photography by Cupcake

Several of you have asked...

The photographer we used for Garrett's pictures is "Photography by Cupcake." She is the same person we used for all of Jackson's pictures that we had taken throughout his first year. She is absolutely wonderful...especially with babies and kids. She is very patient!! We LOVE her!!
Her website is

(Her blog is one of the blogs that actually inspired me to start my own)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pictures of Garrett!

I wanted to share with you pictures we had taken of Garrett.

Go to this website:

and the password is kjordan

There are some pictures of Jackson and Garrett together, but Jackson was NOT wanting to have his picture taken, so those are not the best! ;) They are still cute though!!