Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Crib, Toddler Bed, Twin Bed??? What to do....

Since we found out I was pregnant, we have been debating over the bed situation. One crib or two cribs? We figured Jackson would be climbing out of his crib by this point which would give us an excuse to move him into a twin bed with rails. We have gone through so many ideas for what we could do. The problem is, Jackson loves his crib and has no problem being in it. Plus, Jackson's crib converts into a toddler bed.

Something about seeing the baby in the sonogram on Friday made me realize we need to get a move on things and make some decisions considering the baby will be here in about 2 months. I was thinking Jackson would be so much older when the baby arrives and moving him to another bed wouldn't be that hard...well he's not...he is still a baby himself and I don't see him being ready for that change anytime soon.

We have decided to keep Jackson in his crib and keep his room as is. When Jackson does start attempting to climb out of his bed, we will just convert his crib into a toddler bed and his room will still be the same.

For the baby's room, we have decided to buy a new crib that will also convert to a toddler bed for later on. Long story short....both baby boys will have their own cribs!

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