Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve...

As Aaron and I were giving Jackson his bath tonight, Aaron said "You know your life has changed when on New Years Eve you are baking cookies and not drinking beer." We then started talking about things we did past New Years Eves.
Two years ago we had just found out that our first fertility treatment (Dec. 2005) was unsuccessful. We were at my parents house and I decided not to drink in hopes for success of the next fertility treatment. I remember sitting on my parents couch with our new puppy Rigley (we had just put Barney to sleep) watching everyone drink and have fun, while wondering if Aaron and I would ever be able to have a child of our own. Sure enough though, at the end of January we found out we were pregnant with Jackson!

I can't help but think how much our family and life has changed since then. In just two short years, we have a 15 month old who is absolutely perfect and another baby boy on the way. It is amazing that two years ago I didn't know how our family would end up and now we have everything we could ever hope for (times TWO!).
I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years! Aaron and I just put Jackson to bed and we are happily enjoying calories from our cookies and not beer this year! (Well, okay, you guys know my husband...he did his drinking last night. :)
Happy 2008!

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