This picture is him with his chart (before the stickers) and all of his big boy underwear. He loves them, which is a good thing. He doesn't want me to put them away in his drawer, so as of right now he has them in the little basket on the back of his tricycle. He gets very mad at Garrett when Garrett decides to have a underwear party and throw them all around the room.
In the middle of all this, I didn't remember until around 4:00 that Garrett turned 10 months today!!!! Garrett has a new interest in "breaking it down," so here is a video (turn up the volume) of Garrett and Jackson dancing to Britney Spears. (Gosh....TV for Jackson, forgetting my child turned 10 months today, AND Britney Spears....what kind of parent am I?!?! It WASN'T the music video, just the song if that helps at all! Hey, we were excited about the potty!)
I also have to mention Garrett's expanding vocabulary. I am listing them in the order in which they came, so pay close attention to number one! (it wasn't this way for Jackson...Daddy was first....and ball....and doggie.....way later came Bobby, which later turned to Mom)
1. MaMa (this is his most used word and has been for awhile :) When he is mad he just crawls around saying Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma. He also says it at happy times. He basically says it all day. It reminds me of when I was teaching and heard "Mrs. Jordan" all day long. MaMa is much better though. ;)
2. /D/ while quickly making his chin hit his chest (hard to explain) means Dog. Perhaps he is trying to bark with the whole chin thing. ???
3. /D/ without the chin to chest means Daddy
4. Bay-Bay for baby! He said this last night for the first time. He has been interested in our gallery of baby pictures around our house.
He also knows sign language for milk if that counts as vocabulary! (That's the only sign I taught him....)
WOW - two dancing boys on your hands! :) I want to come over and play! ha