A few days of the week, I pick the next letter of the alphabet to have them make. When it comes to writing letters, I know there is a certain order kids should learn letters based off the form/shape of letter, etc. However, my theory for identifying each letter is that since both boys know how to sing the ABC song, I thought if we started from the beginning with A, then they could sing their way through their book to help them identify the letter. After going through the book enough times, they would eventually recognize and memorize each letter.
A is for Alligator
(Jackson was finished by the time I remembered to get out my camera)
B is for Bee
While we were waiting for the {large amounts} of glue to dry, the boys searched for slugs to pour salt on....
{I sometimes think I should have a "Mother of Boys" stamped on my forehead}
(excuse the left over peanut butter and jelly on his mouth)
Jackson found something.
I love this picture.....notice Rigley in the background, too.
Focused and searching....
Jackson is in the stage where he will say or do anything for a laugh. I guess licking his brother made us laugh.
C is for Caterpillar