But I must blog tonight before shutting my eyes....
4 Month Check Up:
Weight: 16.12 - 85 percentile (Jackson was 19 pounds at 4 months)
Height: 27 inches - 97 percentile
*First Question for doctor: Skin rash
I was worried about his skin. He always gets rashes. On his back, stomach, arm pits, every part of his skin that the diaper touches, etc. It is like patches of really red, irritated skin. I was worried about my little WHITE boy. :)
Doctor said: We are going to start using Aveeno Baby Wash for babies with sensitive skin, use Eucerin lotion, and mix in hydrocortisone.
*She commented on his BIG BLUE eyes. I asked if she thought they would stay that way. She said she shouldn't say anything, because nobody can say for sure...but they look like they are going to stay blue. Normally she would see little brown speckles in them if they were going to change, but Garrett's are just blue. So, we may have one child with dark hair & dark eyes and one child with light hair & blue eyes. How weird is that? Garrett looks just like Aaron, so don't start with the Milk Man stuff!! haha! Although, the UPS man does have a thing for me....right Kristy?! Even Aaron said that!
Here is a picture of those BIG blue eyes in the waiting room....
By the way - today was Garrett's last day in the isolated newborn to 4 month waiting room. At his next appointment he will sit out in the normal waiting room. awwwww.....pretty soon he will be going to kindergarten.
Here is a short video I took while we were waiting for the doctor. This isn't the best video, but he gets so excited when he makes the paper make a noise.
Next doctors appointment: Jackson's 2 year check up AND Garrett's 6 month check up. Same day, same time, same doctor, 1 little room......a room that Jackson now has learned to hate because of the mean ladies with the needles.
By the way - Garrett cried when they touched his leg with the alcohol BEFORE the shot. He knew what was coming. He does seem to be doing better with this round of shots compared to the last.
Happy Friday! Stay out of the heat!